Terms & Conditions



A registration is possible via telephone, post, fax or e-mail in our office in Vienna´s 12th district. Confirmation will be sent to you as soon as possible. As there is a limited number of places available, the registrations are considered on “first- come” basis.




We will charge you with the full price, if you cancel your registration within 10 days before the beginning of the seminar or if you do not appear at the seminar. In the event of cancellations or booking changes we will retain 15% of the seminar price for compensation on the preparatory work completed. If we cancel a seminar we will return the seminar fee previously paid and all outstanding claims will be cancelled.




Seminar fees should be paid immediately after receipt of offer (prices excl. VAT). If you are planning to attend several seminars within 12 months, we would be willing to consider a packaged pricing agreement. Discount on the seminar prices are as follows

  • 3% for 20 participants
  • 5% for 30 participants

The company’s own reminder-plan is as follows:


First reminder

After 14 days after due date

Fees: 3,99 EUR

Second reminder

After 28 days after due date

Fees: 5,99 EUR

+ added interest on areas

Third reminder

After 42 days after due date

Fees: 12,99 EUR

Fourth reminder / Court proceedings

Immediate measures

Fees: 20,99 EUR


Plan changes


We reserve the right to change the contents of the seminar as well as the date and location even after payment.


We reserve all rights concerning translation, reprint and distribution of the documents or parts of the documents. Use, reproduction, copy, distribution, public presentation or electronic processing of any parts of seminar documents – not even for educational causes – without written permission of MAXIMUM SUCCESS PERSONALMANAGEMENT GESMBH is not allowed.


MAXIMUM SUCCESS PERSONALMANAGEMENT GESMBH software is protected by copyright. This software must neither be copied nor removed from the seminar premises.


The MAXIMUM SUCCESS PERSONALMANAGEMENT GESMBH is not responsible for claims against damages for computer viruses originating from copied discs as well as public domain software. Discs brought in by participants may generally not be used on the computer systems of MAXIMUM SUCCESS PERSONALMANAGEMENT GESMBH. Liability and damages 


Legal notice



Personalmanagement GesmbH

Practice firm manager: Mag. Christine Haberlehner

Practice firm of ibc:- Hetzendorf

Hetzendorferstraße 66

A-1120 Wien